It is the vision of Tennessee leaders to develop statewide and regional youth boards that will provide increased youth voice in the foster care system. In utilizing what was partially established for the Youth 4 Youth (Y4Y) board and the Core Leadership Board (CLB) a comprehensive plan was established in which each region would develop a youth leadership board. Out of efficiency and necessity some Grand Regions would be combining their region representation. The Regional board or Grand Regional board would then provide representation to a Statewide Youth 4 Youth Advisory Board that would comprise youth voice from across the state of Tennessee. The Core Leadership Board would then be able to select the preeminent members of these groups that have displayed superlative commitment, achievement, accomplishment, leadership, and presentation skills to develop a speaker’s bureau for providing presentations and trainings utilizing youth providers from a wider demographic assembly. Between the three levels of youth representation the voices of youth shall efficiently and effectively be included in the implementation and evaluation of policy and practice as well as being a tool of education and training to other youth, resource families, child welfare workers, and the overall public in general.